Wednesday, January 2, 2013


For those of you that read my posts on occasion, I haven't figured out how to display the posts as "most recent edits" yet.  They seem to be in order of original posting.  I do update them when I change or add things to the rooms.

I have recently added an update "Kitchen .. Redo!" and "Tearing apart the lovely living room," nothing major, but a few updates.

I love posting to this blog.  It's fun to go back and see the progress we've made in such a short time.  We still have quite a bit of work left, but it's coming along.

I have come to believe that working on a project like this is good for the soul.  

Guest Hall

The hallway leading to the guest room and guest bathroom was very dark after the carpet was pulled up.  The original wood floors had a dark stain and the paneling was the same as throughout the rest of the house...Too dark!

I had some time during Christmas break and before I knew it I was painting the doors white.  One thing led to another and I got very close to having that area finished (painting, not flooring).

Hall before painting (furnace door)

The wood soaks in the paint.  It takes about 6 coats to turn a door white.  This picture was on about number three.

The original wood floors.  They need a lot of work, so I don't know what I'll end up doing.
The after shot...

I painted the walls Furry Ottertail, the same as the den.  I love the wide molding at the bottom in this section of the house.  I wish they were all this way.  Maybe someday!